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Wynwood Rickenbacker Pilsner

1/2 Keg$ 1/4 Keg$ 1/6 Keg$ Case$
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Brewed by:
Wynwood Brewing Company
Florida, United States

Style: Bohemian Pilsener

Alcohol by volume (ABV): 5.10%

Availability: Rotating

Notes / Commercial Description:

This beautiful Czech Pilsner is straw in color and uses Czech Saaz hops offering a mild, but pleasant earthy, herbal and floral overtone with a refreshing lemon zest. An all day drinker!

We highlight the Rickenbacker Causeway with our first production brewed Lager to join our Origin Series. This historical causeway began construction in 1941 to connect Miami, Florida to the barrier islands of Virginia Key and Key Biscayne across Biscayne Bay

Wynwood Rickenbacker Pilsner