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Weyerbacher Merry Monks

1/2 Keg$ 1/4 Keg$ 1/6 Keg$ Case$
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Brewed by:
Weyerbacher Brewing Co.
Pennsylvania, United States

Style: Belgian Tripel

Alcohol by volume (ABV): 9.30%

Availability: Year-round

Notes / Commercial Description:
Merry Monks, 9.3% ABV, is a Belgian-style Tripel. Pilsner malt combined with an Abbey yeast strain yields a remarkable and complex flavor packed with notes of spice, banana and pear. Nicely balanced, with a moderate to dry finish.

Merry Monks is bottle conditioned which imparts a special effervescence to the beer and a creamier carbonation. The ongoing fermentation inside the bottle will change the character of the beer as it ages and you’ll find it becomes dryer with age. You may want to lay down a few bottles for future evaluation. We suggest storing at cellar temperatures (around 55°F) and away from light.

Weyerbacher Merry Monks