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Wynwood La Rubia

1/2 Keg$ 1/4 Keg$ 1/6 Keg$ Case$
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Brewed by:

Wynwood Brewing Company
Florida, United States

Style: American Blonde Ale

Alcohol by volume (ABV): 5.00%

Availability: Year-round

Notes / Commercial Description:

La Rubia is the lightest beer we brew. However, this beer does not lack in flavor. It has a nice crisp bitterness to it with a slight bready and sweet flavor. This beer is brewed for the beautiful hot weather we get here in Miami. La Rubia is a combination of German Pilsner Malts, British Crystal Malts, Czech Saaz Hops and German Ale Yeast, making this beer a true American Blonde Ale. It pairs excellent with your salad, seafood and chicken. Serve this beer in a classic pilsner flute.

Wynwood La Rubia
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